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Alcoholic strength kit

Kit for alcoholic strength determination with steam distillation containing a clamp for the closing of the NaOH tube and a 500 ml Kjeldahl balloon for the distillation of the sample.
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Alcoholic strength kitA00000285

For your alcoholic distillations

For your alcoholic distillations
Use this kit as an accessory for your UDK for the distillation of wine, beer and other alcoholic beverages.

The Alcoholic Strenght Kit consists of:
  • Clamp for closing the NaOH tube
  • Kjeldahl balloon 500 ml for the distillation of sample

Identify the NaOH tube, shut with the clamp included and proceed with the distillation. Once Alcoholic strenght testing is finisched, unclamp NaOH tube.


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cod. {{::variant.code}}
* {{::variant.shipment}}
${{::variant.promoPrice ? variant.promoPrice : variant.price | format}} ${{::variant.price | format}}

cod. {{accessory.code}}

cod. {{accessory.code}}
${{accessory.promoPrice ? accessory.promoPrice : accessory.price | format}} ${{accessory.price | format}}

cod. {{accessory.code}}
${{accessory.promoPrice ? accessory.promoPrice : accessory.price | format}} ${{accessory.price | format}}
Included/required accessories: {{(includedAccessories ? includedAccessories.accessories.length : 0) + (requiredAccessories ? requiredAccessories.accessories.length : 0)}} (${{requiredAccessoriesPrice | format}})
Optional accessories: {{optionAccessoriesCount}} (${{optionalAccessoriesPrice | format}})
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