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Due to the high content of protein and the nutritive value of lipids and other constituents, fishmeal represents a superior aqua-feed and pet-food ingredient. Discover how VELP’s analytical instruments can help you in the determination of these fundamental parameters.
Learn about the Kjeldahl and Dumas methods for the determination of n/protein in various feed samples, a key parameter concerning quality control and protein declaration. Download the e-book with results on BIPEA proficiency testing samples and a comprehensive comparison of the two techniques.
Discover VELP KjTabs™ catalyst and antifoaming tablets entirely manufactured in Italy to achieve the highest level of performance in a wide range of Kjeldahl applications.
Join this exclusive webinar in collaboration with SelectScience to discover how to determine nitrogen and protein with the Dumas and Kjeldahl methods. The case of nitrogen fractions in milk will unveil unique characteristics, advantages, and differences associated with these two techniques.
La méthode Dumas, également connue sous le nom de méthode de combustion et la méthode Kjeldahl sont les principales techniques pour la détermination de l'azote et des protéines. Beaucoup sont souvent indécis entre les deux méthodes et ce webinaire permet de comprendre laquelle est la plus adaptée à vos besoins.