设计紧凑,使用方便,通用性高:VELP呼吸测量传感器是高性能高生产力实验室的最佳选择。 RESPIROMETRIC传感器是一种功能强大的压力传感器,可轻松安装在VELP瓶上,当与特定的分析试剂盒结合使用时,可进行不同的需氧和厌氧分析:
呼吸测量传感器由功能强大的RESPIROSoft™ 管理,从一开始就非常直观且易于使用的软件。在她的帮助下,操作员可以:
通过VELP Ermes Cloud平台,与无线DataBoxTM的创新连接,将上述功能与高性能、可再现性和优质连接相结合,通过该平台可以实现:
有氧呼吸是一种生物过程,在有氧的情况下,微生物将有机物分解成二氧化碳(CO2)。 VELP呼吸测量传感器使您能够做到:
厌氧呼吸是一种生物过程,在缺氧的情况下,微生物将有机物分解成沼气。 VELP呼吸测量传感器使您能够做到:
Access our lab and discover VELP's smart and cloud-enabled solution to determine the Biochemical Oxygen Demand in water and wastewater samples.
The VELP RESPIROMETRIC Sensor is the new measuring sensor designed to perform multiple respiration and degradation tests in addition to BOD. The RESPIROMETRIC Sensor replaces the successful BOD EVO that has been the first wireless BOD sensor in the market. Join our webinar and find out more about respirometric analysis with the new VELP instrument, enabled to the exclusive Cloud VELP Ermes platform.