Viscosity is one of the main parameters to consider when evaluating different Overhead Stirrers.
Viscosity is a measure of the fluid’s resistance to flow or change in shape due to internal friction between the molecules and it is expressed in centipoise, mPa*s. It can change following the addition of solvent or while mixing. It is important in relation to how much effort we have to make to stir the medium, leading to understanding the torque that is required. The third important factor to consider is the volume of the sample and any change during mixing. As the volume and viscosity of the sample increase, so does the torque required for mixing. Both the choice of Overhead Stirrer and stirring shaft depend on these variables.
VELP offers a complete range of Overhead Stirrers with state-of-the-art stirring power and intelligent functionalities, for continuous operation even in harsh environments. ENTRY-LEVEL OVERHEAD STIRRERS
Download the comparison table and discover all VELP Overhead Stirrers >
VELP STIRRING SHAFTS The power of the stirrer, the volume of the sample to be stirred and the viscosity should be taken into consideration when choosing the stirring shaft. VELP stirring shafts differ in their type of flow (axial, tangential, radial) and stirring speed. Download comparative table of VELP stirring shafts > VELP H-STAND ENSURES STABILITY AND RESISTANCE FOR LAB BENCH OHS APPLICATION VELP H-Stand is the ideal solution when the overhead stirrer is working on laboratory benches. We have designed our H-Stand to guarantee the maximum stability, thanks to the H-shape of the base, and the maximum resistance, choosing premium materials such as aluminum and stainless steel, properly treated in order to resist chemicals and corrosion. The Telescopic H-Stand facilitates the daily operations being easy to use when raising and lowering the overhead stirrer from your sample.