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KjTabs VKPC Kjeldahl Catalyst Tablets - 1000 pcs/box

KjTabsTM VKPC Kjeldahl Catalyst Tablets are ideal when a high amount of copper is required. The perfect solutions to speed up the digestion of your samples.
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KjTabs VKPC - 1000 pcs/boxA00000275

The right KjTabsTM to fit your needs

The right KjTabs<sup>TM</sup> to fit your needs
The addition of a suitable catalyst, along with high temperatures, influences the speed and the efficiency of mineralization in Kjeldahl analyses. Achieving the highest level of performance in a wide range of Kjeldahl applications is now possible with VELP Scientifica genuine catalyst tablets.

The use of catalysts is now recognized and officially accepted by the major standards such as AOCS, AOAC, AACC and ISO to accelerate Kjeldahl digestion.

The KjTabsTM VKPC consist of accurately pre-dosed tablets composed of sulfate, to increase the boiling point of sulphuric acid, plus Copper (Cu) as metal salt to accelerate the mineralization process.

VKPC ideal when high amount of copper is required
4,5g K2SO4 + 0,5g CuSO4 x 5 H2O
1000 pcs

VELP analytical experts KjTabsTM catalyst tablets application suggestions

The KjTabsTM VKPC are the most suitable choice when performing Kjeldahl analysis for Protein determination in bread and baked products.

VELP analytical department will be happy to help you in the choice of the most suitable KjTabsTM based on the application to be performed and on your laboratory needs.
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