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NEW Semi-Automatic digesters



Discover VELP KjTabs™ catalyst and antifoaming tablets entirely manufactured in Italy to achieve the highest level of performance in a wide range of Kjeldahl applications.
The addition of a suitable catalyst, along with high temperature, influences the speed and the efficiency of the mineralization in Kjeldahl analysis. Achieving the highest level of performance in a wide range of Kjeldahl applications is possible only with genuine consumables as VELP Scientifica KjTabs™ catalyst and antifoaming tablets.

Kjeldahl Digestion Phase: efficiency and safety with VELP catalyst and antifoaming tablets

Kjeldahl Digestion Phase: efficiency and safety with VELP catalyst and antifoaming tablets
The digestion phase is the most time-consuming step of the Kjeldahl analysis. Speeding up the process ensuring a proper outcome is of fundamental importance when it comes to efficiency in the laboratory. 

In the digestion phase of the Kjeldahl analysis, the goal is to break down the bonds that hold the polypeptides together and convert them into simpler molecules (such as water, carbon dioxide and ammonium sulfate). These reactions can be speeded up by the temperature used during digestion and by the presence of acid, salt and catalysts (selenium, copper, mercury, titanium). 

After having weighed the sample, the latter must be placed into a glass test along with concentrated sulfuric acid and the correct variety of catalyst tablets according to the Official Methods requirements. As a matter of fact, catalyst tablets containing copper are satisfactory but very slow to react, while selenium catalysts usually react very fast and are typically used for substances that are resistant to digestion (e.g. fats and oils).

VELP has developed a complete set of genuine KjTabs™ catalyst tablets that improve the Kjeldahl analysis, making the digestion step more efficient. Along with catalysts, VELP produces antifoaming KjTabs™ which are fundamental for the good outcome of the analysis since the production of foam tends to reduce the original quantity of the sample during the initial phase of the mineralization process. This can occur in many agricultural samples or fat-rich products.

VELP KjTabs™: premium quality Kjeldahl Catalyst and Antifoam Tablets manufactured in Europe

VELP manufactures in Italy a complete set of genuine KjTabs™ catalyst and antifoaming tablets that improve the Kjeldahl analysis.

In order to enhance the performances of the digestion units in relation to a wide range of analytical applications, VELP designed seven different types of accurately pre-dosed KjTabs™ tablets that accelerate the mineralization process and drastically reduce foam formation, a fundamental aspect for the good outcome of Kjeldahl analysis.

The use of VELP KjTabs™ compared to the use of powders allows to:
  • reduce operator time as the catalyst tablets are ready to use
  • have a higher level of repeatability in each batch of reaction (reduced operator errors)
  • reduce storage areas
  • guarantee a low risk for the operator's health (powders are volatile and metal catalysts are not always safe)
Moreover, VELP KjTabs™ VS Antifoam are easier to handle compared to liquid silicone, leading to a reduced time of preparation of the analysis and ensuring the possibility to easily remove them in case of error. 
KjTabs™ VCM - Catalyst Tablets A00000274 3,5 g K₂SO₄ + 0,1 g CuSO₄ x 5 H₂O Universally applicable, with a low copper content Protein determination: nuts and nut products, meat and meat products, grains and cereals, flour (soya beans and lupins), compressed and granular yeast, sugar, syrup, molasses, wheat spaghetti and macaroni, egg pasta

Nitrogen determination in urea, water, raw natural rubber and rubber latex
KjTabs™ VKPC - Catalyst Tablets A00000275 4,5 g K₂SO₄ + 0,5 g CuSO₄ x 5 H₂O Ideal when a high amount of copper is required Protein determination in bread and baked products
KjTabs™ VCT - Catalyst Tablets A00000276 5 g K₂SO₄ + 0,15 g CuSO₄ x 5 H₂O + 0,15 g TiO₂ For tougher samples and even faster digestion Nitrogen determination in milk and dairy products
KjTabs™ VST - Catalyst Tablets A00000277 3,5 g K₂SO₄ + 3,5 mg Se Recommended for oily/fatty samples and even faster digestion Protein determination in beer and malt

Nitrogen determination: soils, plants, forage, straw and fertilizers, engine oils, crude oil, lubricating oils and fuel oils
KjTabs™ VTCT - Catalyst Tablets A00000281 3,5 g K₂SO₄ + 0,105 g CuSO₄ x 5 H₂O + 0,105 g TiO₂ A scaled-down version of VCT Nitrogen determination in milk and dairy products
KjTabs™ VW - Catalyst Tablets A00000282 4,875 g K₂SO₄ + 0,075 g CuSO₄ x 5 H₂O + 0,050 g Se Recommended for applications based on the Wieninger method Nitrogen and Protein determination in animal feed and pet food, forage and feedstuffs, grain, and oilseeds
KjTabs™ VS - Antifoaming Tablets A00000283 0,97 g K₂SO₄ + 0,03 g Silicone Antifoam used for foam reduction Added in combination with KjTabs™ catalylist tablets
Download the dedicated guide to discover all the VELP KjTabs™ catalyst and antifoaming tablets and the related applications
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