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New OXISoft™ 3.0.0


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OXITEST is now quicker and simpler to use thanks to the new OXISoft™ 3.0.0 with all the program parameters, run conditions and results on a single screen of your PC.

OXISoft™ is available in different languages and comes with a pre-installed library of methods related to a wide range of sample types. The operator can use and modify them, or create his own methods.

Many parameters can be investigated, including:
» Repeatability test: a series of tests run on the same sample or standard to verify its IP period, to calculate accuracy and repeatability of the data
» Freshness test: to verify the quality of different lots, for example of the same raw material, and compare them
» Formulas comparison: is what is required to identify the most stable formula of a finished product, under the same conditions
» Packaging comparison: is particularly useful for testing which packaging maintains the product in the freshest condition
» IP during ageing: to obtain a graph of the decrease of the product IP during the shelf-life period
» Estimated shelf life: it is possible to have a prediction of oxidation stability during the shelf life

At the same time, up to 4 OXITEST can be managed by the same software, for the maximum productivity.
A versatile reporting system can be configured to suit the user’s preferences and data can be output in .xls, .txt and .csv formats to match LIMS and the company’s standard software.

Siglacom - Internet Partner